Yearly Archives


Pre-election silence

Dear Readers, From the midnight today up to 7:00 PM on Sunday (October 29, 2017) the so called pre-election silence is in force by law. During this period the Truthmeter will not publish new election related content – neither on the web…

Pre-election silence

Dear Readers, From the midnight today up to 7:00 PM on Sunday (October 15, 2017) the so called pre-election silence is in force by law. During this period the Truthmeter will not publish new election related content - neither on the web…

Businesspersons running for office in the forthcoming local elections

На претстојните локални избори ќе учествуваат и значителен број бизнисмени, или, пак, лица чии потесни семејства делуваат во одреден бизнис-сектор, при што некои од нив и досега биле дел од политичкиот живот и јавната сфера, додека за…