Agreement between the four political parties 20 July 2016 (20/07/2016)
On 20 July 2016 the four political parties agreed:
Voters list
The four political parties agree to address the issues with the voters list for these elections in the following way:
1. The electoral code will be amended by 22 July to reflect the agreement below on the voter list.
2. As regards Annex A prepared by SEC relating to cross checks of entries, 171 500 persons will be placed on the supplementary part of the voters list and their right to vote is not disputed.
3. As regards Annex B prepared by SEC relating to cross checks of entries, 39 502 persons will be published by SEC within 3 days following the adoption of the amendment of the electoral code.
a. The data will be published and the persons concerned can verify with the SEC during 25 days whether they should remain on the voters list.
b. All persons included in Annex B can initiate the verification electronically in accordance with articles 48-51 of electoral code or in person at local branches of the SEC.
c. Three or more members of the SEC may request an extra scrutiny for any name. In such an instance, the SEC members requesting the extra scrutiny may ask people to appear in person if resident in the country, or via videoconference if they reside abroad. This extra scrutiny will extend for an additional 10 days after the 25 day period.
d. Unverified persons will not be included in the voters’ list. Those not included will have the additional possibility to register with the SEC during the public review period ahead of the elections.
1. The AVMS law and the electoral code will be amended within 15 days from the date of this agreement.
2. AAVM will establish an ad hoc body to monitor compliance with media provisions of the electoral code. This ad hoc body will function until the end of the electoral process. This ad hoc body shall be established within 30 days from the date of this agreement.
a. The ad hoc body will be composed of five persons. In consultation with relevant professional organisations the four political parties will select four members of the ad hoc body of whom at least one will be ethnic Albanian. These four persons will select by consensus the fifth member within 15 days.
b. Beginning 100 days before elections, the Council of the AAVM shall follow the recommendation of the newly established department and will initiate the procedures vis-a-vis the media as prescribed by the legislation. The ad hoc body will assess the balanced reporting of media for periods not less than one week.
c. All fines for media outlets in the AAVM Law and electoral code relating to media will be reduced by 50%.
d. The first violation will elicit a warning. The subsequent violations will elicit the new reduced fines.
e. No journalist or media will be fined for expression of opinion. The expression of opinion should be differentiated from reporting information.
f. No media outlet can be shut down based on decisions under the above-mentioned procedure.
3. The four political parties commit to amend the media legislation in line with Urgent Reform Priorities and the Priebe report within 6 months after the elections.
4. In consultation with the other parties, the biggest opposition party will nominate a chief editor (informativna redakcija) of the Public Broadcaster (MRTV) from experts in the field. Provided that the parties confirm that the conditions for elections are in place, the new chief editor will assume his / her functions 100 days before elections.
5. Legal changes will be made to allow 7/24 Albanian channel on MRTV.
Assessment of progress
By 31 August, leaders of the four political parties will assess whether the above mentioned steps have been completed by which the conditions for holding elections are fulfilled. The leaders will confirm this and the date of elections by a signature.
Government ahead of elections and date of elections
If elections take place in 2016, a new government following the Przino agreement will be voted in by the parliament 100 days before the agreed day of elections.
a. The application of the Law on Internal Affairs will be suspended until 1 January 2017 and the law will limit the number of managerial appointments in the Ministry of Interior to 15. All appointments for prosecution’s investigators given to holders of managerial positions in the Ministry of Interior will be annulled and new ones will not be issued to them until the end of the election process.
b. The Government will approve automatically cabinet appointments of the Minister of Interior and horizontal transfers of staff initiated by the Minister of Interior up to 10% of the number of horizontal transfers based on the average of such transfers in the years 2013 and 2014.
c. The Law on Government will be amended so that the mandate of all ministers and additional deputy ministers appointed pursuant to the Przino Agreement shall end on the day the SEC confirms the official results of the elections.
d. The deputy ministers in the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Labour and Social affairs will assume the responsibilities of the Ministers until the formation of the new government.
Other issues:
Special Prosecutor shall be supported
a) In case Constitutional Court decides SP legislation or its part is unconstitutional, four parties commit to align the legislation with the decision of the Court and to re-establish the office according to decision within five days. The effectiveness, scope and objectives of the SP should be maintained.
b) Four parties call on the Constitutional Court to decide on SP law as soon as possible on the next possible session.
The inclusiveness of the process on reforms and their implementation will be conducted in a working group in the parliament including civil society and experts.
a. Prioritised adoption of Urgent Reform Priorities and Priebe Recommendations.
b. Amend whistleblower law according to Venice Commission within 6 months.
c. OFA
d. Euro-Atlantic integration.
Source: Delegation of the European Union to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
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