An Enzyme form Rattlesnake Has Not Been Found in Cоvid-19 Vaccines


There is no enzyme from the venomous snake -rattlesnake in the Covid-19 vaccine. The study mentioned in the post was not conducted on vaccinated patients, but on patients with covid who were hospitalized for several months before the immunization process began. The findings in the study itself do not relate to the vaccine at all, so the post we are assessing is untrue



We are reviewing a Facebook post claiming that an enzyme from the rattlesnake, which is otherwise a venomous snake, was found in Covid-19 vaccines (without specifying which vaccine). But, no matter what vaccine is thought of, this claim is false, that is, there are no enzymes from venomous snakes in the Covid-19 vaccines, nor is any scientific research showing this.

As part of the post, a text from “” was shared, which, in turn, does not correspond to what is claimed in this post on Facebook. The text of “” discusses something completely different.

This article informs about a scientific study, which shows the answer to the question of how dangerous Covid-19 disease will be, and that this will depend on an enzyme, which, in turn, is involved in the inflammatory response. However, vaccines neither contain this enzyme nor does the study mention that it does!

Scientists at Stony Brook University in Arizona have discovered that an enzyme called phospholipase A2 group IIA (also known as sPLA2-IIA) may be the most important factor in predicting which patients with severe COvid-19 form are susceptible to the virus.

The sPLA2-IIA enzyme is similar to one contained in rattlesnake neurotoxin as it can destroy cell membranes and is usually found in low concentrations in healthy individuals since it is a key defense against bacterial infection. – says Floyd Chilton, the author of the study.

In other words, this enzyme is trying to kill the virus, but at a certain point it is released in such high amounts that things head in a really bad direction, destroying the patient’s cell membranes and thereby contributing to multiple organ failures and death, – he says.

Healthy people have sPLA2-IIA levels of half a nanogram per milliliter of blood, but the study found that Covid-19 infection was fatal in 63 per cent of patients with severe Covid-19 and sPLA2-IIA levels equal to or higher than 10 nanograms per milliliter of blood.

“Many patients who died from COVID-19 had some of the highest levels of this enzyme that have ever been reported,” states Chilton.

The study was conducted by taking plasma samples and medical tables from 127 patients hospitalized at Stony Brook University from January to July 2020. In that period – January-July 2020, the vaccine was not developed or administered anywhere in the world. Thus, it is impossible to correlate the results of this study with the vaccine!

Because the study was not performed on vaccinated patients, but on patients with Covid-19 who were hospitalized for several months before the immunization process began, and because the findings in the study did not relate to the vaccine at all, the post we assess this post as untrue. There is no enzyme from the venomous snake or rattlesnake in the Covid-19 vaccine. In the post, a forgery of the words presented in the study was actually made:

“The enzyme sPLA2-IIA is similar to that contained in the rattlesnake neurotoxin because it can destroy cell membranes and is usually found in small concentrations in healthy individuals because it is key in defending against bacterial infection. However, in higher concentrations it can destroy the vital organs of patients who have received the vaccine… “

The study does not claim that “a higher concentration of the enzyme sPLA2-IIA can destroy the vital organs of patients who have received the vaccine.” This is fake news, because vaccines were not available at the time of the study and the subjects were not vaccinated.





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