Bogus Statements on Elections Attributed to Zelenskyy

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Photo: Screenshot of a video


Contrary to the statement in the post we are fact-checking, Zelenskyy did not say that elections in Ukraine will not take place until some kind of a great reset of the world takes place. It is also not true that he admitted in a statement for BBC that his five-year term, which should end in 2024, will continue indefinitely, nor did he say that his ”mandate will last until he accomplishes the agenda of the WEF and until Ukraine joins NATO



We are fact-checking a post published on the social network Facebook (screenshot here) claiming that:

Zelenskyy stated that elections will not be organized in Ukraine until the program “Great Reset” is not fully implemented throughout the world.
In his incredible statement given to the BBC, Zelenskyy admitted that his five-year term, which should last until 2024, will simply be extended indefinitely (! ) until the agenda of the WEF is not accomplished and Ukraine does not join NATO.
Last month Zelenskyy gave a similar statement to Washington Post regarding the upcoming parliamentary elections, which will also be postponed until the end of the war.
And all that is “democratically” supported by the EU, which tells you EVERYTHING about the “new values” of the EU and the Collective West.
EU is the Fourth Reich and there is no doubt about that!

As part of the post, a photograph of Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, is shared.
Opposed to the claims of the post, Zelenskyy did not say that elections in Ukraine will not take place until some kind of a great reset of the world takes place, It is also not true that he admitted in a statement for BBC that his five-year term, which should end in 2024, will continue indefinitely, nor did he say that his ”mandate will last until he accomplishes the agenda of the WEF and until Ukraine joins NATO”.

In his interview for Wall Street Journal (from 6:15 to 6:35) Zelenskyy is saying:

We do not want to be a member of NATO during the war. It’s now too late. We should have gotten there 15 years ago. We understand that we will not be in NATO or in any powerful security alliance during this war.

Even the Russian news agency Tass reports that Zelenskyy allegedly said on 23rd June 2023 that the presidential elections will not be organized, because the Constitution of Ukraine does not provide for elections under martial law. That was the only reason why the elections might not take place in Ukraine, since it was unconstitutional to have elections and war. In actual fact, according to Tass, Zelenskyy said:

According to Ukrainian laws, elections must be organized in peacetime conditions, when there is no war, he said responding to the question whether presidential elections will be held in Ukraine next year.

Zelenskyy declared martial law in Ukraine on 24th February 2022, which was extended several times, the last time being on 20th May 2023 when martial law was prolonged for an additional 90 days, until 18th August, specifies Russian Tass.

Zelenskyy never mentioned that elections will not be held in Ukraine until the Great Reset of the entire world is not accomplished, as falsely claimed by the post.

The Great Reset program is not connected in any way with Ukraine. The initiative of the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum started 2 years before the military invasion of Russia in Ukraine. It was already initiated in June 2020. This Great Reset calls for fairer outcomes and revitalizing the global economy in light of the catastrophic economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. That Zelenskyy, allegedly, said that elections will not be held in Ukraine until the Great Reset is implemented in the entire world is a big humbug.

Neither did Zelenskyy say in the statement given to BBC that his five-year term, that will end in 2024, be extended indefinitely until the agenda of the WEF is be accomplished and until Ukraine becomes a NATO Member-State.

The fact-checkers at Snopes write that Zelenskyy stated that the war must end for organizing elections in Ukraine. As reported by New Voice of Ukraine:

Elections in Ukraine will be held in 2024 only if martial law is ended by then, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in an interview with the BBC on 22 June.

And the National Security and Defence Council announced that no elections can be held in Ukraine while martial law is in effect.

Regarding the claim in the post that ”the EU was the Fourth Reich that supports non-organization of elections in Ukraine” the statement is manipulative considering the fact that the EU has no competence, nor does it interfere in the internal regulation of democratic issues in a sovereign country such as Ukraine, especially when the material is regulated by the Constitution of Ukraine which is the highest act in the state.

Due to all of the above-noted facts, the post fact-checked is assessed as untrue. Neither Klaus Schwab, nor the World Economic Forum were mentioned in statements given by Zelenskyy related to elections not being organized in Ukraine. It is not true that Zelenskyy, apparently, said that there will not be elections until the Great Reset of the entire world is not accomplished. It is also not true that Zelenskyy, allegedly, said that Ukraine will not hold elections until it becomes a NATO member-state. What he has said is that elections will not take place in Ukraine in conditions of martial law.


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