Citizens of Ohrid Did Not Get a New Health Center



Promise: Construction of a new Health Center in Ohrid

[Source: Election Campaign of Konstantin Georgieski; date April 2019]



The Mayor of Ohrid, Konstantin Georgieski, in the election campaign for the early local elections in this city (April 2019), promised the construction of a new Health Center in Ohrid. This promise of Georgieski is unfulfilled. Until today (14 October 2021) the construction of the new Health Center has not been started.

For many years, the spatial conditions in the primary health sector in Ohrid are in a very bad condition. The facilities where the primary health care services are located are much depreciated and no longer meet the basic standards that should be possessed by the facilities for this purpose. Healthcare staff is forced to operate in very poor working conditions, and patients are unable to obtain the required level of quality healthcare. This refers to the building of the former Malaria Hospital and the buildings in the settlement Voska where the management of the Health Center is located, said the candidate Georgieski at a press conference in the election campaign. (17 April 2019)


Georgieski then said that “with the support of the Ministry of Health, concrete activities have finally been undertaken for the construction of a new facility Health Center in the area near the Ohrid General Hospital.”


We as a local self-government will provide the necessary support in terms of the entire documentation for construction and provision of communal infrastructure in the area. The main goal is for this facility to be built according to all modern standards.

According to the project, the building will consist of two block structures, ground floor and first floor and ground floor and two floors, as well as an area for the administration. The two buildings will be connected horizontally with a corridor, and the vertical communication will be with stairs and an elevator. The new modern Health Center will house the emergency medical service, pediatricians, infusion department, laboratory, dispensary for preschool and school children, occupational medicine, X-ray service, patronage service, as well as concessionaires dentists and pediatric dentistry, promised Georgieski in the campaign.


Moreover, he announced the construction of a new Health Center as Deputy Mayor of Ohrid in 2018. In that regard, at a tribune, together with the Minister Venko Filipce, Georgieski said:


As a result of the long-standing need to build a Health Center in Ohrid, we started looking for solutions, initially through some old projects. We discovered a project that had already been developed and with great commitment we managed to bring it to an end. I hope that with serious efforts from the Ministry, the local self-government and the Minister Filipce, we will reach the final realization.


However, such commitments have proved to be only declarative.

Although the Municipality informed that a project has been prepared, until today (14 October 2021) the construction of a new Health Center in Ohrid has not been started.

With an extensive check of publicly available data on the Internet, we did not find information on the construction of such a health facility.

The thorough search on the website of the Municipality of Ohrid did not yield results. There is no information on either the preparatory activities or the start of construction of the new Health Center.

No announcements related to the construction of the Health Center can be found even via keywords search on Google. Neither has such information been published in the local media either.

Also, during the on-site inspection, we made sure that there are no construction activities. At the General Hospital in Ohrid, no construction works have been started for the promised Health Center.

Photo: Truthmeter


Having all this in mind, we assess Georgieski’s promise for the construction of a new Health Center in Ohrid as unfulfilled.




Assessed by: Sonja Rilkovska



This article has been produced within the project Fact-Checking the Progress of North Macedonia towards the EU, implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation. The article, originally published by Truthmeter, is made possible by the support of the American non-profit foundation NED (National Endowment for Democracy). The content of this article is the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of Metamorphosis, NED or their partners.




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