DUI is playing “in and out” of the government

DUI’s cup never seems to be full. Photo: Screen shot

DUI is not the reason for the crisis, but we were and are the voice of reason, as well as solution promotors. And now DUI is victim of devaluation and victim of the discredited process.

Therefore, we decided to withdraw our current representatives in the executive government and we will not tolerate any degeneration of the process, any invalidation of the vote of the citizens and their will, any installation of underground poltroons. Also, we call the citizens not to succumb to any kind of edited material, any crime, any defamation or the attempts to deteriorate the process of reforms by provoking irrational reaction from the Democratic Union for Integration.

[Source “24 Vesti”, Date: 1 April 2016]



This is an inconsistent attitude by DUI, which led the public to believe that this party is leaving the government. In fact, that was the primary information in all media, and actually, the entire press release is toned to the extent to leave the impression that this was their last straw and they are leaving the government. Also, DUI never stated in their press release that the old officials will be substituted with new ones.

So, after a day and a half of speculations and “incertitude”, DUI’s secretary general announced the official information saying that the old ministers and deputy ministers will be substituted by new ones proposed by DUI. However, this confirmation from Ali Ahmeti’s party arrived after VMRO-DPMNE’s leader Nikola Gruevski stated that “DUI is not leaving the government, they are just substituting their cadre”. After this statement, DUI officially announced the list that contains the new names, and the Parliament immediately accepted the resignations of DUI’s previous officials at the meeting on 4 April 2016.

The aforementioned attitude on the ministers’ withdrawal was stated by DUI in their press release published after DUI’s Presidency meeting on which, as DUI informs, reached a unanimous decision to withdraw all ministers and deputy ministers from the government. The key reason for this move is found in the publication of “edited recordings” that contain private phone conversations between DUI’s high officials, whereupon the absence of institutional reaction in order to stop the process of discrediting their officials is noticed, as well.

…we regret to state that this process is already discredited as a consequence of the mass illegal wiretapping and also due to the further distribution of wiretapped materials in the hands of criminals with a goal to misuse these materials in various “Affair factories”.This process was discredited as a result of the institutional paralysis and the passiveness of the competent services to prevent devaluation of all our attempts for establishing a mutual system for control and institutional research for the wiretapped content and finding the responsibility for misuse. (DUI’s press release)

DUI announced the withdrawal of its officials in their first short press release, published after the Central Presidency meeting, and the withdrawal was also confirmed by the party’s spokesman both for the media and on his Facebook profile.

On 1 April 2016, the government confirmed that DUI’s ministers and deputy ministers have resigned. The next day, on 2 April 2016, VMRO-DPMNE’s leader Nikola Gruevski stated that:

“DUI hasn’t left the government, and as far as I know this party will substitute its cadre” stated VMRO-DPMNE’s president.

Soon after Gruevski’s statement, the media published DUI’s secretary general, Abdilakjim Ademi’s statement, given for a certain TV station, saying that:

  DUI didn’t leave the government, it just refreshed the team.

On 3 April 2016, the Prime minister Mr. Emil Dimitriev, announced for “Telma” TV station that the consultations regarding the new ministers are underway:

It is DUI’s right to decide who is going to be dismissed as a minister and who is going to be determined and delivered as proposed minister, and the consultations for this process are underway.

The evening on 3 April 2016, DUI announced the names that will be proposed as new ministers and deputy minister in the government.

This move by DUI appears as if it is a government “in and out” game. DUI’s statement: “we decided to withdraw our current members of the executive government” which was treated as “DUI’s leaving the government”, we assess it as inconsistent.




Assessed by: Olivera Vojnovska

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This article was created within the framework of the Project to increase the accountability of the politicians and political parties Truthmeter implemented by Metamorphosis. The article is made possible by the generous support of the National Endowment for Democracy(NED) and The Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD), a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, an initiative that supports democracy, good governance, and Euroatlantic integration in Southeastern Europe. The content is the responsibility of its author and does not necessarily reflect the views of Metamorphosis, National Endowment for Democracy, the Balkan Trust for Democracy, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, or its partners.

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