It is not true that an Austrian MP Falsified Vaccination
ÖVP MP Eva-Maria Himmelbauer explained what actually happened the day she was filmed putting the vaccine serial number sticker in the yellow card for immunization. Himmelbauer is pregnant and the day she was filmed, she actually received the flu vaccine. “Of course, the doctor in charge entered my flu vaccination in the electronic vaccination certificate. Additionally, because I did not have my yellow vaccination certificate with me, he gave me the empty vaccine container with the serial number that was to be inserted, which I then inserted myself,” said Himmelbauer.
A Facebook post shared on the social network Facebook says:
Austrian MP – This is how politicians in Austria are vaccinated.
The post shared a video showing MP Eva-Maria Himmelbauer taking out an empty vaccine box from her purse during a session to discuss measures and lockdown and inserting the serial number of the vaccine into the yellow passport for immunization.
From the comments on the post, it is evident that the users of the social network from this video got the impression that Himmelbauer is forging a vaccination certificate. The same disinformation flooded the Austrian media, as well as social networks in Austria, given that this is a specific and sensitive period wherein this country (Austria) strict measures are introduced for locking down the unvaccinated, which causes great revolt among citizens who do not want to be vaccinated despite the fact that the coronavirus is raging in Europe.
The ÖVP MP explained what actually happened the day she was filmed inserting the patch of the vaccine serial number in the yellow card for immunization. She opposed the fake news. During a speech by her colleague Elizabeth Scheucher-Pichler on 18 November 2021, which can be seen in this video (3 minutes 45 seconds), MP Himmelbauer was seen pulling out a sticker from an empty vaccine box, with the serial vaccine number and inserting the sticker to her immunization passport. In the yellow passport, as can be seen, there is already another sticker (it is from the vaccine against Covid-19 that the MP had previously received).
Himmelbauer is pregnant and the day she was filmed, she actually received the flu vaccine because the flu vaccine is recommended for pregnant women to protect them and the fetus from unwanted flu complications that can be serious in this condition.
Of course, the doctor in charge entered my flu vaccination in the electronic vaccination certificate. Additionally, because I did not have my yellow vaccination certificate with me, he gave me the empty vaccine container with the serial number that was to be inserted which I then did myself, said Himmelbauer.
She added that both the flu vaccine and the Covid-19 vaccine seriously reduce the risk of both mother and baby getting sick.
It has now been proven that pregnant women should be vaccinated against Covid-19. Pregnancy is a special time for every woman, when she needs to think not only about herself, but also about the unborn child, and I would like to protect myself and minimize the risk of premature birth,” she added.
The MP also pointed out that 75 percent of patients in Austria with Covid-19, who are in intensive care units, were not vaccinated.
I urgently recommend to all those who spread false news and misinterpretations on social networks, to think about this delicate topic in advance. This is related to health and has a top priority. In one day we had 14,416 new infections, more than ever since the beginning of the pandemic. That is why vaccination is more important than ever, Himmelbauer appealed.
Given that the MP has been vaccinated, and the insertion of the serial number in a vaccination certificate is not evidence of forgery of vaccination, we evaluate that there is a missing context in the post. The video is credible, but by omitting key facts in the information, such as the fact that the flu vaccination was entered electronically by the doctor who vaccinated Himmelbauer, a false image is created and disinformation is transmitted, that there is something suspicious in the vaccination of the politician.
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