“Lawn” – Three illegally built holiday homes in Zelenikovo
Законот за градење предвидува обратен редослед, односно најпрвин правосилно одобрение за градење, па отпочнување со градење, а надвор од тој редослед таквите противзаконски дејствија се предвидени и казниви со соодветното кривично дело
The Law on Construction prescribes a reverse order, i.e. first an effective building permit, then a construction, and the unlawful activities which do not comply with that order are prescribed and punishable by Article 244a Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code – Unlawful Construing, which is subject of this investigation
In the press conference from 22 May 2017, the Special Prosecution Office (SPO) announced that it has launched a new investigation code-named “Lawn”, which involves three suspects for unlawful construction of three luxurious holiday homes in Zelenikovo. One of the suspects, according to Telma TV station is the editor of Sitel TV station, Dragan Pavlovikj – Latas.
During the presentation of the case, the prosecutor Fatime Fetai said that the SPO has initiated a new investigation based on wiretapped conversations, which haven’t been made public, and it involves
a reasonable suspicion of criminal activities of three people for the construction of three holiday homes in the municipality of Zelenikovo, without having the right to such construction, i.e. construction without a building permit. According to the evidence gathered, including satellite imagery, expert analysis thereof, as well as other documents, the construction of these three holiday homes started in 2011, whereas the building permit was obtained by the municipality in 2013, when the construction was completed. The Law on Construction prescribes a reverse order, i.e. first an effective building permit, then a construction, and the unlawful activities which do not comply with that order are prescribed and punishable by Article 244a Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code – Unlawful Construing, which is subject of this investigation.
The entire press conference is available on this link, whereas the media reports regarding this event are available here (in Macedonian).
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