No conditions for a third mobile operator have been created
Minister’s statement given earlier this year, that this is a long process that would take at least two years, leads to the conclusion that this promise of SDSM’s is unfulfilled, not only in the initial period of six months, but also even way after a year in office.
PROMISE: We shall create conditions for a third mobile operator in order to lower the prices and provide the citizens with more quality services.
[Source: Program of SDSM for the general elections in 2016 “Plan for Life in Macedonia”, page 212]
For the snap general elections (December 2016) SDSM promised to create conditions for a third mobile operator within the first six months of its tenure, but this promise remains unfulfilled after more than a year in office.
Earlier this year (23 February 2018), the Minister of Information Society and Administration Damjan Manchevski announced that the necessary steps for the entry of a third mobile operator on the market had been taken. He also informed that a set of measures has to be undertaken and certain bylaws should be amended so state’s infrastructure can be rented to private companies.
The state doesn’t know what it has and we need to know the type of infrastructure on our disposal so we can be able to offer it to potential investors. Currently, certain legislative limitations prevent the state infrastructure from being offered to private companies. Also, there’s private infrastructure that can be rented. The point is to make it clear to the potential investors that the situation in the country is not as it is presented in the laws, but there is an existing infrastructure that can be used. With the current legislation, we are not attractive to them because they would have to invest millions, while the expected return on equity will come in 12 years, Manchevski explained.
The Minister also said that it is a lengthy process which is at the very beginning and according to the announcements, it will be conducted in a centralized manner by the ICT Council. It is forecasted to end in two years.
Meanwhile, neither the media have provided nor the websites of the Ministry of Information Society and the Agency for Electronic Communications contain information that the process of creating conditions for a third mobile operator is coming to an end and there isn’t a tender for a selection of a third mobile operator too.
Minister’s statement given earlier this year, that this is a long process that would take at least two years, leads to the conclusion that this promise of SDSM’s is unfulfilled, not only in the initial period of six months, but also even way after a year in office.
- Program of SDSM (2016): „План за живот во Македонија“ (page 232) (Accessed on 28 November 2018)
- Lokalno (23 February 2018) МАНЧЕВСКИ: СЕ РАБОТИ ДА СЕ ОВОЗМОЖИ ВЛЕЗ НА ТРЕТ МОБИЛЕН ОПЕРАТОР (Accessed on 28 November 2018)
- Alsat M (23 February 2018): Владата почнува процедура за трет мобилен оператор (Accessed on 28 November 2018)
- Ministry of Information Society and Administration: Public relations (Accessed on 28 November 2018)
- Agency for Electronic Communications – website (Accessed on 28 November 2018)
Assessed by: Rada Isovska – Manevska
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