“Three hundred” – Illegal procurement of 300 vehicles for the Ministry of Interior

Помошник министер во МВР, овластен со решение од Министерот за внатрешни работи да ги спроведува постапките за јавни набавки во Министерството, со искористување на својата службена положба и овластувања, при вршење на јавни набавки, го оштетил буџетот на РМ за износ 27.894.555 денари или 453.570 евра.


Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Interior (MOI), authorized by a decision signed by the Minister of Interior to perform public procurement procedures in the Ministry, abused his office and authorizations during the performance of public procurement procedures and damaged the budget of the RM in the amount of 27.894.555 denar or 453.570 euro


In the press conference from 23 March 2017, the Special Prosecution Office (SPO) announced that it has opened a new investigation under the code name “Three hundred”. In this investigation, the suspect is an assistant Minister from the MOI for performed public procurement of 300 vehicles for the needs of the Ministry. According to the SPO, the suspected assistant Minister procured 300 vehicles in the period from 2008 to 2012 without following the legal rules for public procurements, and damaged the state budget for 453.570 euro.

The prosecutor Fatime Fetai said that this investigation encompasses

the perpetration of one extended crime – Abuse of office and authorization from Article 353 Paragraph 5 relating to Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, and there is justified suspicion that the crime has been committed by an assistant Minister in the Ministry of Interior regarding the public procurement of 300 vehicles.

Namely, the evidence provide space for justified suspicion that the suspect, in the period between 23 June 2008 and 3 May 2012, in Skopje, as an official – Assistant Minister in the MOI, authorized by a decision signed by the Minister of Interior to perform public procurement procedures in the Ministry, abused his office and authorizations during the performance of public procurement procedures and damaged the budget of the RM in the amount of 27.894.555 denar or 453.570 euro.

In addition, there is justified suspicion that with the unlawful preferring and awarding contracts for public procurements for purchase and sale, service and maintenance of passenger motor vehicles for the economic operators Porsche Macedonia DOOEL Skopje, Ka-Dis DOO Skopje, Bohemia Automobiles Rous DOOEL Skopje, Kolevski DOO Skopje and Avto Kukja DOO Skopje he acquired illicit benefit, although the offers of these economic operators weren’t regarded as the economically most suitable offers, which was the sole criterion for awarding public procurement contract…

The essence of the aforementioned is that there is justified suspicion that MOI’s official, abused his office and authorization by awarding public procurement contracts to economic operator that didn’t have the economically most suitable offers, i.e. without adhering to the established criterion for awarding public procurement contracts.

The entire press conference is available here (in Macedonian), and the media reports related to this event are available here (in Macedonian).


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This article was created within the framework of the Project to increase the accountability of the politicians and political parties Truthmeter implemented by Metamorphosis. The article is made possible by the generous support of the National Endowment for Democracy(NED) and The Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD), a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, an initiative that supports democracy, good governance, and Euroatlantic integration in Southeastern Europe. The content is the responsibility of its author and does not necessarily reflect the views of Metamorphosis, National Endowment for Democracy, the Balkan Trust for Democracy, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, or its partners.

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