“Titanic” – SPO’s first investigation
Повеќе лица од различни институции делувале здружено и организирано со цел да направат изборни измами во 2013 година, се сомневa СЈО во првата истрага „Титаник“, која сè уште е отворена и актуелна
Many people employed in various institutions have acted jointly and orderly with the aim to perpetrate electoral frauds in 2013. This is SPO’s suspicion for the first investigation, “Titanic”, which is still opened and actual
12 February 2016 – This is the first investigation procedure of the Special Prosecution Office (SPO) directed toward establishing the grounds for suspicion for acts perpetrated against the elections and the voting, or as the prosecutor Fatime Fatai said in her presentation “to gain power by completely criminalizing the electoral process”.
“After huge number of preliminary investigations based on large number of indications and of course evidence, this case resulted with justified suspicion that a certain group of people, whose identities won’t be revealed, by using their real influence and offices, and because of party’s further presence in power, both on local and state level, and especially because of their privileges obtained by exercising power, have created a group, whose objective was to perpetrate crimes against the elections and the voting, or in other words, to gain power by completely criminalizing the electoral process”.
It’s a matter of suspicions for illegal procedures in 2012 and 2013 conducted by multiple persons employed in the Ministry of Interior (MOI) and other institutions, for example, judges from the Administrative Court, who allowed the perpetration of numerous punishable acts related to the local elections in 2013.
Further, the SPO expanded this investigation in February this year by covering 17 new persons, high functionaries of VMRO-DPMNE, which are suspected to have perpetrated crimes against the elections and the voting.
All details regarding SPO’s first case are available here (in Macedonian).
Find media reactions and comments are available here (in Macedonian).
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