“Trust” – Abuses of a tender of ELEM worth millions
Доказниот материјал упатува на основано сомнение дека заради изигрување на постапката за доделување на договор за јавна набавка, истите кон пријавата за учество во прва фаза од постапката за јавна набавка како доказ за поседување на техничка опрема за извршување на предметната набавка, што е неопходен услов за учество и квалификување во втора фаза од постапката во набавката, доставиле невистинита документација за сопственост на механизацијата
The exhibits provide space for justified suspicion that in order to get around the procedure for awarding public procurement contract, the suspects, in the first phase of the public procurement procedure, as evidence for possession of technical equipment for meeting the requirements of the procurement, which is necessary condition for participation and qualification in the second phase, delivered false documentation on the ownership of the mechanization
On 28 February 2017, the Special Prosecution Office opened a new case under the code name “Trust”. Three physical and three legal entities, among which are the directors of “Transmet”, “Sileks” and “Vato” DOOEL Studenichani Skopje, are suspected for participation in a tender published by Macedonian Power Plants (ELEM). According to the SPO, ELEM allowed the consortium composed of these three companies to gain illegal financial benefit in the amount of more than 17 million euro.
During the presentation of the case, the prosecutor Fatime Fetai said that this investigation shows
how far the competition fight for winning tenders and enormous amounts of financial resources went, and how one consortium, by using forged documentation, managed to win a tender as well as an annex to the tender and “earned”,00 denar or 17.235.772 euro, money of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.
The preliminary investigation has been initiated on the basis of the content of three wiretapped conversations delivered to this prosecution office, out of which two aren’t public, and that content provides space for suspecting the legality of the public procurement for excavation of gangue and coal from Suvodol – Bitola. The public procurement, which is the subject of this investigation, has been realized on the grounds of a call from 7 October 2011 published by AD Macedonian Power Plants Skopje, whereas the conversations took place on 3 August 2011 and 6 October 2011.
More precisely, there is justified suspicion that on 14 November 2011, in Skopje, the prime suspect, director of the suspected legal entity “Trans Met” DOO Skopje, the second suspect, representative of the suspected legal entity “SILEKS NEMETALI ST” DOOEL Kratovo and the third suspect, director of the suspected legal entity “VATO” DOO Skopje, consciously broke the rules of the procedure for awarding public procurement contract and allowed the consortium to gain illegal financial benefit in the amount of several million euro.
Namely, the exhibits provide space for justified suspicion that in order to get around the procedure for awarding public procurement contract, the aforementioned entities, in the first phase of the public procurement procedure, as evidence for possession of technical equipment for meeting the requirements of the procurement, which is necessary condition for participation and qualification in the second phase, delivered false documentation on the ownership of the mechanization.
The entire press conference is available here, and the media reports on this event are available here (in Macedonian).
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