Unjustifiable Claim of Almost 4,000 People Duying from the COVID-19 Vaccine
In the post on Facebook, the number of reports of people who died after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine is equated with the alleged fact of death from the Covid-19 vaccine, which is different. It is an unfounded claim that death is directly correlated with the vaccine itself and this is exactly what is explained on the website of the European database of suspected adverse drug reaction
In the post on Facebook, the number of reports of people who died after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine is equated with the alleged fact of death from the Covid-19 vaccine, which is different. It is an unfounded claim that death is directly correlated with the vaccine itself and this is exactly what is explained on the website of the European database of suspected adverse drug reaction
Suspicion, i.e. report that something has happened and official confirmation that something has actually happened, are two very different categories. In the post we are reviewing, it is claimed that the official European medical database announced that 3,964 deaths and 162,610 injuries from vaccines have been registered in the EU so far. However, the context is omitted here, i.e. essential information about the specific situation is concealed, which leads the citizens to a wrong conclusion. On top of that, it is presented as a fact.
The official European medical database has published the following fact: So far, 3,964 deaths and 162,610 adverse reactions from vaccines have been registered in the EU. I do not know how many were vaccinated, but these numbers are very bad, the post claims.
However, due to carelessness, the number of reports of deaths after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine equates to an alleged fact of death from the vaccine.
Even the source cited by the author of the post, which is the European database of suspected adverse drug reaction, clearly states that this should not be done.
They publish on their official website a guide on how to understand the reports. It contains the following explanation, which follows that in the post we are reviewing, serious omissions have been made regarding the interpretation of these numbers in their correct context.
Here is a list of important points to consider when viewing a web report:
For a medicine to be authorised for use, its benefits should outweigh any associated risks of side effects. At the time of authorisation of a medicine, the benefit-risk balance has been assessed and the benefits judged to outweigh the risks. All the information available on this website relates to medicines that have been assessed in this way and authorised for use in the European Economic Area (EEA). The information on this website relates to SUSPECTED SIDE EFFECTS, in other words, effects that have been observed following administration of, or treatment with, a medicine. However, these suspected side effects may NOT BE RELATED TO OR CAUSED BY THE MEDICINE. All medicines can cause side effects, and it is important to note that most people take medicines without suffering any side effects.
A case can be reported on the basis of a SUSPICION that the side effect is associated with the medicine. It does not necessarily mean that any link between the medicine and the side effect has been established; the side effect MAY HAVE OCCURRED DUE TO OTHER FACTORS, FOR EXAMPLE the disease for which the medicine is being taken or an interaction between two or more of the patient’s medicines.
Any individual case report should be seen in the context of all available data on the medicine. ONLY BY ACCESSING ALL THE AVAILABLE INFORMATION from clinical trials, other studies, and the scientific literature, conclusions should be drawn as to whether a drug has risks. The information on this website MUST NOT be used to PRESENT THE FUTURE POSSIBILITY OF SIDE EFFECTS, – according to the European database of suspected adverse drug reaction.
Also, the report quoted in the post lists allegations of side effects of the “Moderna” vaccine, which Macedonia will not receive at all, because this company is not interested in small markets like the Macedonian one (said the chairwoman of the committee for immunization, Professor Dr Alexandra Grozdanova in a press briefing on 2 April 2021).
All vaccines are effective and safe. So far, the European Medicines Agency has approved the Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, and the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) has approved the Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna vaccines – said Grozdanova.
According to her, so far in Macedonia 4,027 citizens have been vaccinated with the first dose of Pfizer, and 2,996 with the first dose of Sputnik. Ten adverse reactions to Pfizer vaccines have been reported, but as mild as a fever. There have been several reports of reaction to the Sputnik vaccine, but they are also mild.
It is true that as with all medicines, vaccines can cause side effects, but to claim that nearly 4,000 people died as a result of the vaccine is fake news. This is the number of deaths that have been reported in the database, and they are still being investigated. All vaccines are currently administered in Europe and are considered safe by the European Medicines Agency, except that of Astra Zeneca, which has been temporarily suspended because it is examined whether the rare cases of thrombosis that have occurred afterwards in some patients are causally related to the vaccine itself. This has not been proven yet, but as a precaution, the vaccine in Macedonia is given only to those over 60 years of age, while waiting for the official research to be completed and the EMA recommendations to reach Macedonia.
Hence, it is unjustifiable to claim that death is directly correlated with the vaccine itself and that is exactly what is explained on the European database of suspected adverse drug reaction.
In Macedonia in just one week, 227 people died as a result of Covid-19, and in one year the death balance is 3,860 people.
Undoubtedly, the risk of severe complications and mortality from Covid-19 is many times higher than the risk of developing side effects from the vaccine. This was stated by the director of the Institute of Immunology, Professor Dr, Aleksandar Petlichkovski.
These are vaccines that are over 90% effective. The success of the vaccine is to eliminate the chance of death and serious illness, which means that these patients will not be hospitalized, and hospitals will deal with other pathologies. This has been achieved in Israel by vaccinating almost 70 percent of the population. There are only 440 cases of Covid-19 per day and 8 deaths – said Petlichkovski at a press briefing organized by the Medical Chamber on 2 April 2021.
In Macedonia, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, in just one day there were 50 deaths and 1,320 newly diagnosed with Coronavirus. And Israel, compared to Macedonia, has just over nine million inhabitants.
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