Wiretapping scandal set 18: Indians in the Parliament

Gruevski’s order gave a hard time to the Parliament. Photo: Truthmeter


This set of wiretapped conversations is dedicated to the negotiations behind closed doors between VMRO-DPMNE and DUI and the implementation of the agreed – in the Parliament.

In the first conversation Nikola Gruevski calls Silvana Boneva in the evening and notifies her that he made an agreement with Ali Ahmeti (as Zaev said in the press conference: about the amnesty for the “Hague Cases”, about the use of the Albanian language and the Albanian flag) that the proceedings in the Parliament should begin on the next day. Gruevski says “I decided we should begin immediately” instead of waiting until September or October, i.e. as he says “We should push through the negative things we have obliged ourselves to” i.e. the proceedings should urgently begin in the Legislative and legal Committee of the Parliament. In the second conversation Boneva notifies him that Trajko Veljanoski will have to request an opinion from the government regarding the Hague Cases, and Gruevski says that the opinion will be “neither yes or no, it will just say something inexplicit”. Boneva says that the journalists will flock and Gruevski warns that “it will be good for our people to be careful with the statements until you receive instructions what to do”. He adds that he is going to tell the “collaborating media” about the sections that have to be emphasized, “sections where we benefit”.

This “deal” makes Gordana Jankuloska and Zoran Stavreski really discontent. We can hear that in the next conversation, whereupon she says that “we gave them more than we should have”.

Afterwards, we hear a conversation between Jankuloska and Trajko Veljanoski, whereupon we find out that the Minister of Justice at that time, Mihajlo Manevski, did not want to give a positive opinion and Jankuloska had to write the Authentic interpretation, so she requests from the Parliament authorities to correct it before the MPs can sign it…

The deputy in the Ministry of Justice, Biljana Brishkovska – Boshkovska, points out to Jankuloska that the thing given as an opinion has nothing to do with the Law on Amnesty, that the cases will be returned to the prosecutor, and he will have to return them to Hague… She also says that the recommendations from the UN Committee against Torture repudiate the amnesty. Then, Jankuloska requests for something to be vaguely written and to resemble an opinion of the government, so they would have some kind of text… “And let’s get that over with”.

We find out about the complexity of the situation from the conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Kiril Bozhinovski, the government’s Secretary General. Nobody wants to sign the opinion, it will have “to go” as government’s opinion.

In the following conversation Brishkovska notifies Jankuloska that the opinion from the Ministry of Justice will have a note to the MPs to take the recommendations from the UN Committee against Torture into consideration. Jankuloska states that one more “of their guys” will have to sign the opinion besides Manevski, and that will cause a problem because two people will be exposed to risk and criticism…

In the next conversation we hear Jankuloska and Veljanoski referring to both the Albanian and the Macedonian MPs as Indians. Jankuloska says she is sorry they (the Albanians) “are given” something she does not want to give, and on the other hand, she is exposed to criticism exactly because of that concession. Jankuloska reveals that she sent “Martin” to “handle their MPs”.

Afterwards, from the following two conversations we can hear how Stavreski and Jankuloska try to avoid to vote and to be “set up”, while Gruevski pressures the Ministers-MPs to go to the Parliament in order to reach the necessary quorum to pass the law. Furthermore, we hear that “Igor from my place” told Stavreski that Vladimir Peshevski is creating a new “network” in the country besides the “family’s network”, and Jankuloska completely agrees with that. They are frustrated about Peshevski’s breakthrough, i.e. because he was elected a Minister, whereupon Stavreski says that he has plenty of gorgeous kids who work very hard, but nobody is thinking of them because they come from his place. “They create networks and the people from my place are working all the time. For five years I’ve been bearing, I have carried the entire economy in Macedonia on my back”, Stavreski says and he is uptight because nobody asked him about the new cadre and he also says that he won’t vote in the Parliament. “Let those dudes run for them and do the donkey work”, says Stavreski.

Both interlocutors cannot grasp the point they have reached when they cannot gather the MPs, so Gruevski is forced to call Ministers in order to adopt the law. At the end we can hear that Peshevski will not come, because he probably is at some beach in Greece, and Jankuloska says “the boss as well”.

Then we hear the conversation in which Gruevski orders his secretary to instruct urgently the MPs and the Ministers-MPs to show up at the session, because the quorum is not obtained.

In the last two presented conversations we notice the panic and the persistent callings so people can come to the session and vote. Jankuloska is furious again “A beating is a beating, either you press a button or you do not, the criticism is the same, you know…” Stavreski on the other hand is mad because he is also instructed to show up, whereas “the dudes won’t be there”.


All of the “bombs” are here.


Press conference of Zoran Zaev, president of SDSM, in Skopje, 6th of April 2015

(Below you will find the transcripts in English of the records played in this press conference)



Conversation between Silvana Boneva and Nikola Gruevski

SB: Hello.
NG: Hello.
SB: President, good evening.
NG: Hello, Silvana, what are you doing?
SB: I’m reading newspapers, I haven’t read for two days, so I picked them all to make sure I don’t miss a thing…
NG: Hey, Silvana, we finished it with DUI tonight.
SB: Finally.
NG: Finally.
SB: Bravo.
NG: Now the problem starts. The implementation.
SB: The implementation, ha!?
NG: Yes, so the next 7-8 days will be very difficult for us. My choice is for it to be now, not after September-October. What we took in a negative way, let’s push it now.
SB: It is to be immediately. The best is this summer, now…
NG: Immediately, so that we are not bothered for the whole mandate. Ha?
SB: This summer, now, so we are not bothered for the whole mandate.
NG: Not this summer, by next week it is to be done. Then, when the government is to be elected, it should be done.
SB: Aaa, aha.
NG: The Government is to be elected around 25th in the Parliament. Let’s say this starts tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. They will be submitted tomorrow, the day after tomorrow they will be discussed.
SB: About the languages, too?
NG: By Monday, Tuesday next week the latest the story will end. Voting-moting and…
SB: I think we have a session already on Tuesday
NG: Yes, there is, but this is a priority. It will be postponed, it will be done so that they finish.
SB: Yes, of course.
NG: So, three laws, there’s a lot…
SB: Yes.
NG: Which are, let’s say, problematic. Actually, two laws and one interpretation.
NG: The interpretation is for the Hague (cases)…
SB: Mhm.
NG: …to be pardoned…
SB: Yes, yes, to be included in the Amnesty Law, right?
NG: To be included in the Amnesty Law.


Conversation between Silvana Boneva and Nikola Gruevski

NG: For the Hague cases, we must seek an opinion from the Government, Trajko, that’s the Rules of Procedure.
SB: Well, yes. We must.
NG: And we must give an opinion. So, it’s impossible for him to pass it if we don’t give it.
SB: Yes, of course.
NG: Our opinion will be in a round about way or it will be a quotation of that Law or something like that.
SB: As amnesty law.
NG: So, neither yes or no, but something to be sent, something will be.
SB: Yes, of course. The Commission… The legislative, to give the interpretation.
NG: Yes.
SB: So that neither yes nor no.
NG: Yes. Yes. No. Our will be neither yes nor no. But the Commission should interpret it and give it, yes.
SB: Yes, of course. And the Legislative commission should say it unequivocally. Well, President, you think we should push it all by Tuesday?
NG: Yes. I told Protoger, now something, to call the PR team tomorrow morning, Ilija Dimovski as the Party’s, right, Aleksandar…
SB: Ilija Dimovski has to come urgently from Brussels.
NG: Sule, from the cabinet, Martin Martinovski from the Government and Gordana, who is the most familiar with, to work out a PR strategy tomorrow.
SB: Mhm.
NG: It would be good if you talk to them during the day so that they can tell you how we’re going to work this out.
SB: So that we can manage. Yes, because now the journalists and all will push.
NG: It is good for ours not to rush with statements until during the day you get instructions for the PR, how to put it.
SB: It’s clear, it’s clear. Because Ilija Dimovski isn’t here, it will have to…
NG: I’ll contact media with which we have a better communication to help us.
SB: Mhm.
NG: To point out the areas we got. So that they don’t say we got 15 institutions, but we didn’t get this, we didn’t get that, understand?
SB: Yes, of course.
NG: You don’t lie anything, just you say it differently.
SB: Yes, of course. The big things to be said because they aren’t given and… the other doesn’t matter, to list the 15.
NG: Yes.
SB: Then, it should be serious from tomorrow on. So, I’ll tell then, however they will come to this…what was the name… the session. I’ll tell them to sit and to start very seriously in the Parliament, serious coordination with them will be needed. For a language law it is very serious, flag law, not to rush so that they don’t say anything which they don’t need.
NG: Ahmeti stated that after 108 years the Albanians have Defense.
SB: Defense.
NG: After the Republic of Krushevo.
SB: Aaa, after the Republic of Krushevo they have Defense, ha ha.
НГ: Yes, the first time after the Republic of Krushevo they have Defense Albanians get Defense. Ha ha ha.
SB: Iii, that’s good. For his people that PR is great.
NG: Yes, yes, yes. Ha ha ha.
SB: Hey, well said, after the Republic of Krushevo…
NG: Well, in the Republic of Krushevo, an Albanian was entrusted with defense.
SB: Yes, yes
NG: An a Vlach with Finance.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Zoran Stavreski

GJ: The thing about the officials talking, appointed in the Parliament, that’s gone. So, that will be changed. And one more big thing in my opinion, and here there was no room, the old symbols law will be brought back. I don’t like it at all, but you know, their side is that it is their acquired right, de facto there’s space to adopt a law with less rights, a little difficult.
ZS: Mhm.
GJ: It came down to the political part. You know we previously agreed the Hague cases and that’s it. In the other part…
ZS: How are the Hague cases to be solved? With…
GJ: With authentic (interpretation), yes. In fact, it is planned all these things to be done tomorrow. Which means it really is…
ZS: Mhm.
GJ: I’m having a rest now, then I’m going to eat a bit, because I have to write the texts.
ZS: I know that. Even if you didn’t tell me, I knew it would come down to it.
GJ: You know that, but I have to take a little breath. You know, I mustn’t make a mistake, it is very responsible and I must write them tonight. It’s not a lot of text, but it’s a very responsible work.
ZS: Mhm.
GJ: In my opinion, we yielded a lot of things to them.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Trajko Veljanoski

TV: So, we have that for the authentic interpretation?
GJ: You have it. As you know, I called Mihajlo, too, because in fact he should give an opinion, he should sign.
TV: But he should give it. And the request should be submitted to me.
GJ: Yes, of course. I sent you both. And Mihajlo says: I can’t give a positive opinion. Well, Mihajlo…
TV: What am I going to give, what am I going to give?
GJ: No, no. But I say – you know what this is about, we are not kids, everything we gave them, we should give them singing.
TV: Yes, of course.
GJ: I that… yesterday I told the Prime minister: I didn’t sleep for two days because of distress.
TV: Mhm.
GJ: But, really… that’s it. Come one, we’ll work it out.
TV: But… Listen, this is written.
GJ: Yes, of course.
TV: The MPs should sign this.
GJ: Yes, but have to see it. Because I haven’t seen a text for requesting an authentic interpretation, whether it’s OK…
TV: No, usually that’s it, they’ll see it now.
GJ: OK, but you know, your service should see it so that there isn’t a thing later…
GJ: …beside that, we’ll have trouble with other things. Okay, goodbye.
TV: OK, OK, deal. Bye.
GJ: Bye, bye.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Biljana Brishkovska Boshkovski

GJ: Hello?
BBB: Hello.
GJ: Hey, Biljana, tell me.
BBB: Can we speak openly on the phone?
GJ: Yes, of course.
BBB: Good. So: This which was given as an opinion has nothing to do with the Amnesty Law.
GJ: Mhm.
BBB: These four cases, the way it is written, cannot be pardoned.
GJ: Mhm.
BBB: So, in these cases, it will happen for the domestic courts, I don’t know what the intention is, but I have to say, right…
GJ: Yes, yes, of course.
BBB: Aaa, so it will stop the proceedings if the courts accept authentic interpretation, right…
GJ: Right, right.
BBB: The proceedings will stop before the courts, so it will be shifted to the Public prosecution. Because, they say: they will stop, the domestic courts are not competent because those cases are under the jurisdiction of the International Tribunal.
GJ: Mhm.
BBB: The International Tribunal…
GJ: …It returned them…
BBB: …but it didn’t declare itself incompetent.
GJ: Yes, of course.
BBB: And now, it may happen: the Public Prosecutor will have to return them. So, now the competent court will have to be found, right?
GJ: Yes, of course.
BBB: After all this if it happens. He will have to return them before the International Tribunal and the International Tribunal will say: Hello, I told you to go on there, right?
GJ: Well, it seems like that.
BBB: It seems to be like that. Or if there are some powerful people to lobby there, so that the International Court says: we are not competent, and in that case…
GJ: Well, I don’t think so, only… that’s the deadline, right, so it is closed and that’s it.
BBB: Or…
GJ: Isn’t the deadline extended?
BBB: …to fail… I mean literally to be in limbo…
GJ: Yes, of course. We..we to send it uncertain from the Government…
BBB: Mhm.
GJ: It doesn’t mean anything, so they should do whatever they want in the Parliament.
BBB: The thing we’re putting now that when determining authentic interpretation, the conclusions and recommendations of the United Nations Committee and the Committee on Torture should be taken into consideration, which means: the cases should be solved before domestic courts. Those are the recommendations.
GJ: OK, make it unclear and that’s it.
BBB: Yes, of course.
GJ: They will pass it in the Parliament and that’s it.
BBB: So, we should leave it that the Law excludes actions of domestic courts.
GJ: Well, I don’t know, I don’t know what to say.
BBB: If we remove the returning, if we remove the returning… that means it doesn’t exist, it turns out like that.
GJ: Mhm.
BBB: If we remove it.
GJ: You write it in an unclear way and that’s it.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Kiril Bozhinovski

KB: Hello?
GJ: Hello, secretary, what are you doing?
KB: I’m working boss, you?
GJ: Ха ха ха. I got to MOI a little, for a change. Ha ha ha.
KB: Ha ha ha.
GJ: To see what is being done here.
KB: Yes, yes.
GJ: I just wanted to ask you about the thing, Biljana will send it directly to you or she will do…
KB: She said she will send it to me and simultaneously to you…
GJ: Deal, I’ll see in on e-mail, and if something…
KB: …to give the green light, if something needs to be corrected, so finally I’ll take it to the boss.
GJ: Yes, of course, he must see it because, you know, this is a very politically sensitive issue.
KB: It’s sensitive, sensitive.
GJ: Yes, yes.
KB: I pointed out to her times and again it needs to be in a round about way, you know, with quotations of laws.
GJ: Well, I told her: write something to mean nothing. I mean, I talked to the boss on the phone and I say, he says: to let you know, literally I used a term, Biljana, write something so nobody understands it.
KB: That’s it, that’s it, that’s it.
GJ: That’s it.
KB: So that they don’t know what to do with it, that’s it.
GJ: Look, they should do whatever they want. They know what to do, but let them do it.
KB: Yes, it shouldn’t result from ours.
GJ: Yes, yes. Because, you know, someone should sign it.
KB: Now that. Vasko tells me, please don’t… give it to Ademi.
GJ: OK then, let Ademi sign it.
KB: But if we make it silly, he won’t sign it. He’ll say: what’s this… So, let’s not screw this. I spoke with the boss, he says – it is like it, then let’s convince Vasko. I’ll see that…
GJ: OK, see about that.
KB: Ha ha ha.
GJ: Because I know, I mean this whole process is tense, tough, exhausting… but that’s forgotten, in the end it is about the one who sent the letter.
KB: Yes
GJ: You know, I mean we talk all the time I like it – I don’t like it, that’s actually my personal problem, but some day the letter will be seen.
KB: Mhm.
GJ: You know… I totally understand Vasko and everyone in that position.
KB: Yes.
GJ: OK, we’ll do something, we’ll put pressure…ha ha ha ha.
KB: OK, let’s get it first, then we’ll cut.
GJ: Deal, deal, Kire, let’s get it, then we’ll consult again.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Biljana Brishkovska Boshkovski

GJ: Hello.
BBB: Excuse me, but I had to…
GJ: No problem, tell me, Biljana.
BBB: Look… he will sign it… but only with one sentence, so, additionally there should be that: the Government of the Republic of Macedonia should take into consideration; I’ll try to remove the part with the Government. So, to take into consideration the recommendations of the Committee on Torture regarding these cases.
GJ: OK, then. That’s why I told you, you know we can’t, it’s OK to see the text.
BBB: Yes.
GJ: Some day they will take that opinion into the Parliament,
BBB: I understand, I understand.
GJ: They’ll read it, they’ll quote it…I mean, I spoke with Mihajlo, too…
BBB: Mhm.
GJ: the man is right, he says: you know, these are very problematic, it’s not the first case to face it…
BBB: Mhm.
GJ: If you can make… let’s say, a neutral text…
BBB: Mhm, mhm… actually, this is just the law, nothing, they have just it…
GJ: No, no, OK. That’s why he says, if it’s possible to make something neutral…
BBB: I’ll try to make that sentence look like “beating around the bush” so that it is signed. Because…
GJ: Because, you know… it’s one thing for Mihajlo to sign it, another is someone from the Government to sign it… So…
BBB: Well, that’s it.
GJ: … in fact, two of our people…
BBB: …we put…
GJ: …we put them at risk…
BBB: What?
GJ: No, no, at risk, but we leave them open to criticism.
BBB: Mhm. OK, we’ll put something in relation to it, because those recommendations are from 2008, that the country should take everything in relation to those cases so that they come to an end and some things should arise…
GJ: Yes, of course.
BBB: You surely know them.
GJ: Yes, of course.
BBB: All that, all those recommendations should first exclude amnesty, as a means of solving and to see something, so to do it that way, not to pay a lot of attention.
GJ: Yes, of course. Well, in the Parliament attention will be paid, but that’s it.
BBB: But it will pass.
GJ: That’s the risk…
BBB: That’s it, that’s it.
GJ: …no other way…
BBB: Good, okay.
GJ: OK, Biljana.
BBB: I just wanted…
GJ: Okay, thank you.
BBB: Goodbye, bye.
GJ: Goodbye, bye.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Trajko Veljanoski

TV: Hey, Gorde, tell me.
GJ: Hello, President, how are you?
TV: I was busy, you know, with Indians…
GJ: Today we raised the alarm.
TV: Yes.
GJ: I’m calling you because of that. Ademi told me that they signed and submitted the Law on languages.
TV: Yes, yes, yes. Well, we made it, they signed it, they delivered it. Now I gave it to them the Law on Flags, and the authentic interpretation.
GJ: Right. So, everything on our part formally…
TV: Everything is in order with the Indians… But with the Macedonian…
GJ: Ha ha, with ours…
TV: ….the Macedonian Indians, what am I going to do tomorrow, ha ha…
GJ: Ha ha ha. Now with ours, we… their job…
TV: With our Macedonian Indians…
GJ: That’s a curse… You give them something you don’t’ want to, I’m not OK with that, they criticize you about something you personally don’t agree with, moreover, you have to do it for them… as if we were punished by God. Ha ha ha.
TV: That’s why I told them to sign it…
GJ: Yes, yes, yes. In fact, we’re done with them.
TV: Ha? Everything is done with the Indians.
GJ: Yes, yes. With the main Indians.
TV: Ha?
GJ: I’m saying everything is done with the main Indians, now with ours.
TV: With ours…
GJ: I talked to Martin earlier today and I said to him: Call the MP’s or go to the Parliament, you know, there are many new ones. Who knows how they imagined the Parliament. I mean, they are all ours, but I don’t want them to start with an unpleasant feeling, it’s the first thing for them to do.
TV: Yes, yes.
GJ: You know, to coordinate them a little. Because the Prime Minister is very busy now, with coalitions, time is going by. I saw Martin earlier today and I told him: go and call the people yourself. Because, you know, someone is an MP for the first time and has expectations. I mean, they are all ours and they’ll do everything, but it’s good if someone pays attention to them.
TV: OK, no problem.
GJ: Then we’ll see what he’s going to do.
TV: I’ll see how it’s going to be like tomorrow.
GJ: OK, we’ll keep our fingers crossed.
TV: Ha ha ha.
GJ: Ha ha ha. Okay, I just wanted to hear you…
TV: Well… now the ball is thrown in our court…
GJ: Now you have to deal with the hard part.
TV: When I told them that the Prime Minister predicts 2-3 days, they say you’re lying, it might take 2-3 weeks.
GJ: Well, it may, but you can’t control the process.
TV: That’s right, yes, yes, yes.
GJ: You did everything where you could.
TV: In that sense, I’ll have to deal with it because I’m scheduling for tomorrow.
GJ: It’s for tomorrow, in the area where you can.
TV: That’s there, but about the commissions, how long they are going to speak…
GJ: God knows.
TV: …and how it will… God knows, yes. You can’t plan anything there…
GJ: OK, then, we’ll keep our fingers crossed. That’s what we can.
TV: Yes. Ha ha ha.
GJ: Ha ha ha. Okay. If you need anything…
TV: If we undertook it, we’ll work it out.
GJ: Yes, yes, yes. We’ve done a lot of things, this is not a problem.
TV: OK, OK, Gorde.
GJ: Okay, bye.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Ilija Dimoski

GJ: Hello?
ID: Gorde, this is Ile.
GJ: Where’re you, Ile, you got lost.
ID: I’m in the Parliament, at a session.
GJ: What are you doing?
ID: We’re making quorum. Can you come? If you are here.
GJ: Well, I’m in Skopje, but just to get dressed, because I’m…you know.
ID: Come as soon as possible.
GJ: Well, in half an hour, I live far, Ile.
ID: I know, I know, just in case, because we are in a bind. If something changes, I’ll let you know, but please.
GJ: No, I’ll get dressed and I’ll come, no problem.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Zoran Stavreski

GJ: Hello.
ZS: Hello.
GJ: Hey.
ZS: Yes, Silvana called me, I got rid of her.
GJ: Well, I didn’t know, Ile called me. I say – OK, I’m here, but I can’t come right away.
ZS: I made up that I’m with Nora’s child, that I am babysitting. Ha ha.
GJ: You did it well, why didn’t you tell me, me naïve…
ZS: You know, it occurred to me in a second, I didn’t have time to tell you. I immediately called you, but you were… busy.
GJ: If she called me, I wouldn’t have picked up. But Ile Dimovski called me, we have a correct relationship. And he says: Gorde, are you in Skopje? Yes, I say, at home, I’m watching. Ha ha. And he says: Please, we don’t have a quorum, and I forgot that I’m an MP.
ZS: Mhm.
GJ: And I’m going to drag myself because I don’t want to vote for that law.
ZS: Me too. That’s why I didn’t go. It wasn’t a problem for me. I wouldn’t remember, but Antoaneta really went to Nora to babysit because they went to a birthday and I was happy to remember it. Ha ha.
GJ: You made it. I’m going to drag myself, and I don’t have the Parliament channel at home to see what’s going on.
ZS: Is it, are they still talking?
GJ: Has anyone wanted to speak?
ZS: Well, one of Rufi’s people is speaking now. I don’t know how many there are, I haven’t watched it up to now. When you called me, I turned it on to see what’s going on.
GJ: My…
ZS: I’m surfing on vacation, you know…
GJ: My idea is that, because I know now, because I told Ile that I am here…
ZS: So what, do you know where the MPs are now, hello? Where are they? Fuck them, let them call Peshevski.
GJ: You’re right. Yes, of course.
ZS: Let them call Peshevski to go.
GJ: You’re right.
ZS: Come on, we are always servants; the others are showing off and creating a network in the country. Igor, from work, says that now there isn’t only one network of these… the family, you know….
GJ: Ааа…
ZS:…Peshevski is now creating another network through the country.
GJ: Well, that’s true.
ZS: That’s right, even people know that, like this guy, it can’t…
GJ: Yes, yes.
ZS: I told the boss when he mentioned him to me: you know, Natasha and Igor from here…they are… we haven’t come to them yes, understand?
GJ: No, now I…
ZS: Why should he be a minister? It’s not fair, I have great kids and no one has ever asked me about them.
GJ: Ееее, what should I say?
ZS: Only because they are mine? Because I am who I amand because you and I bother him, he’s afraid of us being too strong? That’s…
GJ: Yes, yes.
ZS: Fuck.
GJ: These people at my work, too, work like donkeys.
ZS: They’re creating networks, and people are dying from work at my work. I’ve been carrying the whole economy of Macedonia on my back,
GJ: Yes, yes.
ZS: No one has asked me if I had any staff, no one has asked me. I’m sick of that. And now, I should run to the Parliament!? Let those guys run… I see the meetings, Gorde, who holds meetings with whom, I’m not an idiot.
GJ: Well, everything’s clear to you.
ZS: Everything’s clear to me.
GJ: Everything’s clear to you.
ZS: If it wasn’t clear to me, I wouldn’t be pissed off. Because it is, that’s why it pisses me off.
GJ: No, I’ll watch and when they have a break, I’ll go on purpose after all that finishes.
ZS: Don’t, loaf around.
GJ: But…
ZS: Say: I’m waiting for the car, I don’t have a car.
GJ: Yes, yes, I’ll say that.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Zoran Stavreski

GJ: Hello.
ZS: Hello, what are you doing?
GJ: Well, at work, what are you doing?
ZS: I am at work, too, I came 20 minutes ago. Did they call you, from the Parliament?
GJ: Yes, yes, I was about to call you… I didn’t call them and I can see that they all sent me messages, we don’t have a quorum and I was about to call you.
ZS: Me too, I didn’t pick up. Then Gjorchev sent me a message. Silvana called me, and Gjorchev sent me a message.
GJ: Both of them called me, he sent me a message and someone else sent me a message, but I don’t know whose number it was: “Come to the Parliament, we need the ministers, we don’t have a quorum to vote”.
ZS: Well, where’s the quorum?
GJ: Well, I don’t know, Zoki, where are the MPs? MPs, damn it. It came down to three ministers. I’m telling you, because I know what this voting is about, I thought to send a message to Gjorchev to tell him that I’m not in Skopje. But, I just wanted to talk to you, to ask you what you think?
ZS: Well, what should I think, I’m not excited. On the other hand, it might cause shame; I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where the others are, if I knew where they were and why they aren’t here…
GJ: No, but I have no one to ask…
ZS: Whether it will be filled easier, but there is no one to talk to.
GJ: I have no one to ask, if I call…
ZS: Yes, yes.
GJ: I’m not, I’m in Krushevo, and I’m leaving now. We have to talk to someone to know whether… but I we talk, they will force… they’ll say… we have no quorum, that’ll be the answer.
GJ: I think no one will say it honestly. Even if there is…
ZS: Because if they had… they would have gathered by 11, no…. wherever you are in Macedonia, you’ll come.
GJ: They called me now… I mean, 10 minutes ago. Just before you called I was about to call you, because I guessed they would call you.
ZS: And who else from… Nino…
GJ: Nino, Peshevski, you, me, Antonio.
ZS: We are, ha? We were on the list….
GJ: The boss, too.
ZS: Peshevski certainly will not come, he is 100% on a beach in Greece.
GJ: The boss, too.


Conversation between Lenche Samardzhievska and Nikola Gruevski

LS: Hello.
NG: Hello, Lenche.
LS: Hey, president
NG: Aaa, to call. Ours are not at the session, a lot of ours. Call them urgently to go at 12:30, it twill continu. Because there wasn’t quorum, Trajko postponed it for 12:30.
LS: The MPs? Hello?
NG: The MPs.
LS: OK. Hello?
NG: Ask, ask at Trajko’s who’s missing and call them right away to come.
LS: OK, OK. OK, deal.
NG: Urgently. Because there’s no quorum, to go there immediately.
LS: Deal, deal, President.
NG: To leave everything, to go there. If the ministers tell you we have something else to do. No, go. Because there are ministers-MPs.
LS: OK, right away.
LS: Deal, deal, bye.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuoska and Zoran Stavreski

ZS: Hello.
GJ: What are you doing?
ZS: I had an internal meeting.
GJ: Lena’s been calling me all the time. Has she called you? Now she sent me a message…
ZS: Definitely, Tanja’s calling.
GJ: Yes. “The President said to go urgently to the Parliament”. So…what should I say.
ZS: Yes, yes, he’s on a beach.
GJ: Yes. I know why he’s been calling me, he has called me 3-4 times on my cell and I don’t pick up and I got a message: “The President said to go urgently to the Parliament”, I mean… The voting is at 12:30, now it’s 12:20.
ZS: OK. OK. The topic doesn’t matter that much as the attitude.
GJ: No, the attitude pisses me off, I mean, that’s it. Beating is beating whether you press the button or you don’t, the criticism is the same for all, you know.
ZS: Mhm.
GJ: But, the attitude… wait, I can be anywhere, right?
ZS: Mhm.
GJ: One can be at the doctor’s, right? Everything happens… 20…10 minutes before, he tells me go to the Parliament urgently.
ZS: Yes, yes, but you’re going to see who’s going to be there. Again…
GJ: You and me.
ZS: The guys won’t be there.
GJ: City boys.
ZS: Yes. Okay, Gorde.
GJ: You’ll see…
ZS: I’ll come, too, so it’s not only you.
GJ: …I’ll go, so it’s not…
ZS: However, they are calling me, because.
GJ: Yes, yes, yes. So it doesn’t turn out that they both were looking for us everywhere, I’ll go…
ZS: So it doesn’t turn out, because it will turn out they we are somewhere…in an affair, we’re doing something.
GJ: Yes, yes, yes… Because both…
ZS: Because they can’t find us both, that’s it. We shouldn’t think more,
GJ: Particularly, the others won’t be there, they’ll have to have an excuse.
ZS: Yes.
GJ: OK, I’ll go now.
ZS: OK, see you, bye.
GJ: OK, see you, bye.
ZS: Bye.


Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Zoran Stavreski

GJ: Hello?
ZS: I’m coming. Again…?
GJ: I’m going to tell the President, one is missing.
ZS: A? I’m making a quorum, ha?
GJ: Yes, yes, yes. Come on.
ZS: Come on. I can’t…
GJ: He’s coming, Zoki, he’s coming.


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This article was created within the framework of the Project to increase the accountability of the politicians and political parties Truthmeter implemented by Metamorphosis. The article is made possible by the generous support of the National Endowment for Democracy(NED) and The Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD), a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, an initiative that supports democracy, good governance, and Euroatlantic integration in Southeastern Europe. The content is the responsibility of its author and does not necessarily reflect the views of Metamorphosis, National Endowment for Democracy, the Balkan Trust for Democracy, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, or its partners.

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